Friday, February 27, 2015

Current Event

Current Event
Leonard Nimoy, Spock from ‘Star Trek,’ has died. He had a long and successful career as an actor and director, but he was best known for portraying Spock in ‘Star Trek’ TV series movies. He died on Friday, February 27, and his son Adam Nimoy told CNN. He was 83. I believe that he was a little too young to die. He at least lived a great and happy life. He was a father a husband and many other things, but most importantly he will be remembered.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“The true way to honor the past is to
improve upon it.”
N. Eldon Tanner


 Reflection: What I think he means by this is to improve now you must honor your past. Non matter what you did in your past, you must honor it and put it behind you so you can improve. 



Duties and Responsibilities: It is a form of massage therapy that involves applying alternating pressure to the feet, hands and other ears. It is a technique designed to alleviate stress and thereby reduce health problems that may associate with stress.

Salary: $38,000

Education: They need to be certified. They need their license certification, 500 hours of massage therapy education required.

 Reflection: I would honestly like to become one, because I am interested in what they do. I would like to be able to relief people of their stress and maybe be able to release some of my stress also. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“It may make a
difference to
all eternity
we do right or
wrong today.”
James Freeman Clarke

 Reflection: What I think he means by this is that eternity will never end. There will come a time in our lives that we will die, but what we did is what will live on forever. We will have to do right to set examples for others. If we do wrong then it won’t matter if we lived. 

Film Producer

Film Producer

Duties and Responsibilities: They are responsible for facilitating a project and are involved in every stage of the television program, film, or video. They are to raise funds, read and research what they must do, etc.
Salary: $109,470
Education: It requires a bachelor’s degree, joint Master of Business Administration/Master of Fine Art is useful.

 Reflection: I would honestly like to become a film producer because I would like to be able to do what they do. I think it is interesting to be able to film someone’s TV show or someone’s movie. I would also meet many famous people. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“The best way to predict your future
is to create it.”
Charles Ketterer


 Reflection: What I think he means by this is in order for us to have a future, we need to create one ourselves. We cannot just expect a future to be handed to us. Our behaviors and the way we act right now determine what our future will be like. If we are bad and do nothing but sit around and be lazy, then our future won’t have much for us, but if we are good and educated, then we will have a great bright future. 

"Bless You"

“Bless You”
The Romans said something similar to this and so did the Greeks. They said this to mean them good health or long life. We say this to make sure the person is ok or has a good health after. This was originally orientated over thousands of years ago. This originated around the country because people would hear others say it and so it became a traditional thing. This originally originated from ancient superstitions. Some people believe that a sneeze causes the soul to escape the body through the nose. Saying “bless you” would stop the devil from claiming your soul.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Rachel Castillos

Rachel Castillos
Rachel Castillos was lucky enough to find a bag filled with $36,000 dollars in it and an ID. When she found this bag she could’ve easily just taken the money and ignore the ID, but she didn’t. She immediately contacted the police and told them everything. They found who the old man was and said that he was in some kind of health condition. Rachel said that she believes in god and doing the right thing. Many people would’ve just taken the money but Rachel didn’t, she did the right thing and dodged herself from having long term pain.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Ask yourself is it right or wrong
and act accordingly.”
Otto Graham, Jr.

 Reflection: What I think he means is that if we know that something is right or wrong then we should act on whether it is right or wrong. If something is wrong and we act accordingly then it is still considered wrong. Act in a right way. 

Health Information Specialist

Health Information Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: They work with Coding specialist and health information technicians. Professionals in the field usually work in hospitals, doctors, and offices. Duties include data entry and retrieval.   
Salary: $30,000-$42,000
Education: You need to study beyond high school. You are required to get a bachelor’s degree in the medical industry.

 Reflection: I would honestly not like to become one. I wouldn’t want to become one because I wouldn’t want to be ordered around. I would much rather become a doctor myself. I am not very organized to become one. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Act well your
part; there all
honor lies.”
Alexander Pope

 Reflection: What I think Alexander Pope is trying to say that we need to act well. And by acting well then our honor will be shown. We all have honor within us but not much is shown. But when you act well and people notice it, then that is when our honor will be shown. 

Environmental Health Specialist

Environmental Health Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: It was found in 1937 by practitioners who wanted to establish a standard of excellence for the profession. They protect the well-being of the environment and the public by ensuring that environmental regulations and workplace safety standards are met.
Salary: $40,000-$90,000
Education: you need a bachelor’s degree program in environmental health and safety, a voluntary certification, work experience, good communication skills, knowledge of complex equipment, and physical stamina.

 Reflection: I would honesty like to work as one because I want to be able to help out my community. Also I would be able to see what needs some work done and what doesn’t. I can become a police officer. I would like to become one but there are some downs to becoming one like irregular work hours or your schedule isn’t fair. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
George Washington-Father of the
United States of America
“Associate yourself with
 men of good quality if
 you esteem your own
 reputation; for ‘tis
 better to be alone than
in bad company.”
George Washington

 Reflection: I think this means that it is best to be alone than with people who do not care for you at all. If you are with people who are a bad influence and tempt you to do bad, then you should not hang out with those people. You should hang out with people of good morals, good intentions, and good behavior. The people you hang out with will represent the way you are. If the people are bad, then others will you think you are to even though you might not be. 

Presidents Day

“Presidents Day”
1. Presidents day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. It was established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington.
2. The purpose of Presidents day is to honor our fellow presidents and to take the time to thank them for what they have done.
3. Presidents day is usually on the third Monday in February, which in this case it is on February the 16th.
4. A few ways to honor and respect Presidents’ day is to have our American flag out and be patriotic.

I honestly believe that it is great to have a Presidents day. It gives us time to honor and respect them. We celebrate this day with our families and friends. The presidents we honor on this day are the ones that we know did a great job and were true to us, so we are true to them by honoring the on Presidents day. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Right is right
only when
Victor Hugo

 Reflection: What I think he means is that even if you are telling the truth but tell one little lie, you lied. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Only those live
who do good.”
Count Leo Tolstoy

Reflection: I think he means that if you do good in life, you will live a great life. 



Duties and Responsibilities: They minister vaccines, health check ups, clean teeth, fix broken bones, treat skin infections, and perform surgery. They also inspect the living spaces of animals on farms and ranches to make sure that they are free from infections and possibly getting hurt.
Salary: $86,640
Education: They are required to complete a four year doctor of veterinarian doctor medicine program.

 Reflection: I would like to become a veterinarian because I like to help animals and I think that it would be nice to do something I love for the rest of my life. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“What’s right
 isn’t always
popular. What’s
popular isn’t
always right.”
Howard Cosell

 Reflection: I think he means that not everything that is popular is right, sometimes it may be bad. 

Western Medicine Doctor

Western Medicine Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities: The treatments of medical conditions with medications by doctors, and nurses. They take care of all types of conventional medical treatment, including surgery, etc.
Salary: $94,436
Education: They need to attend a medical school or take medical classes.


Reflection: I would honestly not like to be one, mainly because I do not fully understand what they do.